Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 2/28/25

Year: 2025

Research Articles

Research Article


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leyla SURİ İSTANBUL TİCARET ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-3225-1221
Protection, Restoration and Repair in Buildings, Environment, Habitation and Products, Sustainable Architecture, Architectural Heritage and Conservation, Urban Planning and Health, Participation and Governance, Land Use and Environmental Planning, Ecology, Sustainability and Energy
Mechatronics Engineering, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Information Security and Cryptology, Information Systems
History of Engineering and Technology, History of Economic Thought, History of Turkiye Economy, History of Ottoman Economy, History of European Economy, Philosophy of Economics, Circular Economy, Economic Methodology, Heterodox Economics, Management Information Systems
Prof. Dr. Celalettin AKTAŞ İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi 0000-0001-5460-887X
New Communication Technologies, Journalism Studies
Prof. Dr. Necip ŞİMŞEK İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi 0000-0003-3061-5770
Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis, Statistics, Mathematical Sciences
Computer Software, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Information Systems
Engineering, Cybersecurity and Privacy (Other), System and Network Security, Image Processing, Information and Computing Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammet CEYLAN İSTANBUL TİCARET ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0001-6933-2917
Nanotechnology, Composite and Hybrid Materials, Engineering

The Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences is an international journal published twice a year, and aims to bring current and effective studies to the scientific index, which are subject to referee and editorial evaluation in all fields of technology, engineering, and applied sciences, and stand out with their originality, importance, and cross-branch passivity. 

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The Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences also aims to circulate current trends and trends that concern science, scientists, and the public at large in a fast, original and explanatory manner. Particularly, studies in the fields of Natural  Sciences, Engineering, Computer Sciences, Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Urban Studies are selected to be included. 

Istanbul Ticaret University Journal of Technology and Applied Scienes by Istanbul Ticaret University Journal of Technology and Applied Scienes is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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Article length
Original papers.

Original contributions on a specific topic, with a maximum of 3000 and 4500 words and no more than 40 references. The papers shall have the following layout: introduction, summary, keywords, materials and methods, results, discussion, and conclusions.

Review articles.

Based on a critical examination of the literature, analyzing the various approaches to a specific topic, with a maximum of 5000 words and no more than 80 references.

Letters to the editor.

Brief opinions on contributions published in edudeporte or current issues. Letters should not exceed 1000 words and 5 references.

Article title
A title of not more than eight words should be provided.

Article title page
An article title page should be submitted alongside each article. This should include: Article title, author details, acknowledgments, structured abstract, keywords, article classification

Name of the authors
Full name of each author, affiliation of each author, at the time research was completed, where more than one author has contributed to the article, details of who should be contacted for correspondence & e-mail address of the corresponding author.

The abstract should not exceed 200 words, should be one paragraph and should be free of references and abbreviations. It should clearly indicate the scope and main conclusions of the paper.

Please provide up to 5 keywords on the article title page, which encapsulate the principal topics of the paper in order to assist in indexing the journal.

Introduction. This should be comprehensible to the general reader. It should contain a clear statement of the purpose of the investigation and should provide relevant references but not exhaustively review the sub­ject.

Material and methods
This section should give sufficient information in the text or by reference to permit the work to be repeated without the need to communicate with the authors. When reporting experiments on human subjects, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with ethical standards of the Committee on Human Experimentation at the institution in which the experiments were done or in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. The type of statistical test used should be stated in the Methods section. A common error is the use of means, standard deviations and standard errors and the application of T-tests in the evaluation of non-normally distributed data. The use of non-parametric tests may often be more appropriate.

Results should be presented concisely and should not include material appropriate to the Discussion section. Authors are encouraged to express units, quantities, and formulas according to the recommen­dations of the System Internationale (SI units). All measurements should be given in metric units.

Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and conclusions derived therefrom. Do not repeat in detail data given in the Results section. Include in the Discussion the implications of the find­ings and their limitations and relate the observations to other relevant studies. Link the conclusions with the goals of the study but avoid un­qualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by your data. Avoid claiming priority and alluding to work that has not been completed. State new hypotheses, whenever warranted, but clearly label them as such. Recommendations, if appropriate, may be included.

Provide information sufficient to identify sources of support, technical assistance, and intellectual contributions not associated with authorship.

References to other publications must be in APA style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy, and consistency. This is very important in an electronic environment because it enables your readers to exploit the reference linking facility on the database and link back to the works you have cited through CrossRef.
You should cite publications in the text: (Adkins, 2001) using the first-named author's name or (¦Johnson¦ and Hall, 1999) citing both names of two, or (Cogdill, Fanderclai, Kilborn, and Williams, 2001), but (Cogdill, Fanderclai, Kilborn, & Williams, 2001) and (Cogdill et al., 2001) or (Cogdill et al., 2001). At the end of the paper, a reference list in alphabetical order should be supplied

Journal article (one author)
Gwinner, K. (1997). A model of image creation and image transfer in event sponsorship. International Marketing Review, 14(3), 145-158.
Journal article (two authors)
Abratt, R., Clayton, B. & Pitt, L. (1987). Corporate objectives in sports sponsorship. International Journal of Advertising, 6(4), 299-31.
Journal article (3-6 authors)
Heimber, R.G., Holt, C.S., & Blendell, K.A. Salzman, D.G., (1993). Cognitive-behavioral group treatment for social phobia: Effectiveness at five-year follow-up. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 17(4), 325-339.
Journal article (more than 6 authors)
Welchnik, S.A., West, S.G., Sandler, I.N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., et al. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843-856.
Aaker, D.A. (1994). The competencies. New York. The Free Press.
Chapter in a book
Cunningham, D., Slack, T. & Hinings, C.R. (1987). Sports management curriculum. In T. Slack & C.R. Hinings (Eds), The organization and administration of sport (pp. 59-82). London, Ontario: Sports Dynamics.
Cheng, C. (1993). Competency assessment ίn sports management for the Republic of China. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Northern Colorado, Colorado.
Published conference proceedings
Nørvåg, K. (2003). Space-Efficient Support for Temporal Text Indexing in a Document Archive Context. In Koch, T., & Sølvberg I. (Red.), Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003 Trondheim, Norway, (pp. 511-522). Berlin: Springer
Tripolitsioti, Α., Moudakis, K., Theodorikakos, P. (2007). Identifying management competencies of the directors of fitness centers and indoor facilities of youth and sports municipalities. A pilot study. Proceedings and abstracts of the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, 69, 56.
For newspaper articles (authored)
Mossberg, W. S. (1998, September 17). Electronic books still haven't become real page-turners. Wall Street Journal, p. B1.
Encyclopaedia Britannica (1926). Competencies, Vol. 1, 13th ed., Encyclopaedia Britannica, London and New York, NY, pp. 765-71.
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author
Electronic Journal
Cumming, J., & Maxwell, G. (1999). Contextualizing authentic assessment. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 6 (2). Retrieved September 30, 2004, from
Victor, N. M. (2008). Gazprom: Gas giant under strain. Retrieved July 2, 2008, from Stanford University, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development Web site:
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